
Dr Gilbert Caluya is a Lecturer in Gender and Sexuality Studies at Deakin University. He graduated with a PhD in Gender and Cultural Studies from the University of Sydney in 2009. Since graduating he has worked at the Centre for Postcolonial and Globalisation Studies and later in the International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding, both at the University of South Australia from 2009 until 2015. In 2016 he took up a position as Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the University of Melbourne before moving to Deakin University in 2020.

His research focuses on the cultural politics of race, gender/sexuality, intimacy and security in contemporary Western culture. His work has appeared in journals such as Emotion, Space and Society, Social Identities, Journal of Intercultural Studies and Continuum.

For his profile click here.



  • Graduate Certificate of University Teaching, University of Melbourne, 2018

  • Ph.D., Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, 2009

  • B.Arts (Hons I), Gender Studies, University of Sydney, 2003


  • Lecturer in Gender and Sexuality Studies, Deakin University, current

  • Lecturer in Cultural Studies, University of Melbourne, 2016-2019

  • Research South Australian Fellow, University of South Australia, 2012-2015

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, International Centre for Muslim and non-Muslim Understanding, University of South Australia, 2011-2012

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Postcolonial and Globalization Studies, University of South Australia, 2009-2011

  • Associate Lecturer, Gender and Cultural Studies, University of Sydney, 2008


Edited Collections

  • Gilbert Caluya (ed.) (2013) ‘Special Edition: Racialising Desire,’ Critical Race and Whiteness Studies e-journal, 9(2).

  • Gilbert Caluya, Nahid Kabir, Kam Kaur and Shvetal Vyas (eds.) (2012). CSAA 2011 Conference Proceedings. MnM Centre, University of South Australia.

Book Chapters

  • Gilbert Caluya (2018). ‘Muslim Domesticities: Home invasions and affective identification,’ in Birgitt Röttger-Rössler and Jan Slaby (eds.) Affect in Relation: Families, Places, Technologies. London: Routledge.

  • Gilbert Caluya, Jennifer Germon & Elspeth Probyn (2014). ‘Globalization and feminism: changing taxonomies of sex, gender and sexuality,’ in M. Evans, C. Hemmings, M. Henry, H. Johnstone, S. Madhok, A. Plomien & S Wearing (Eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Feminist Theory. Los Angeles/London: Sage Publications, pp. 293-307.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2014). ‘Fragments for a Postcolonial Critique of the Anthropocene: Invasion Biology and Environmental Security,’ Jodi Frawley and Iain McCalman (Eds.) Rethinking Invasion Ecologies from the Environmental Humanities. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 31-44.

  • Elspeth Probyn & Gilbert Caluya (2008). ‘Sex, Sexuality and Culture,’ In Tony Bennett & John Frow (eds.) The SAGE Handbook of Cultural Analysis.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2006). ‘The Aesthetics of Simplicity: Yang’s Sadness and the Melancholic Community,’ in Tseen Khoo (ed.) (2007). Asian-Australian Identities. New York and London: Routledge (republished).

Journal Articles

  • Gilbert Caluya, Gerard Goggin, Zsuzsanna Dominika Ihar, Jack Leff, Kelly Sharron and Meshell Sturgis (2019). ‘The Right to Maim: Somatechnologies of Violence, Race and Disability,’ Somatechnics, 9(2-3): 376-400.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2019). ‘Intimate Borders: Refugee im/mobility in Australia’s border security regime,’ Cultural Studies, 33(6): 964-988.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2014). ‘Pride and Paranoia: Race and the emergence of home security in Cold War America,’ Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies, DOI: 10.1080/10304312.2014.966406

  • Gilbert Caluya (2011). ‘Domestic Belongings: Intimate Security and the Racial Politics of Scale,’ Emotion, Space and Society, 4(4): 203-210.

  • Gilbert Caluya, Elspeth Probyn and Shvetal Vyas (2011). ‘“Affective Eduscapes”: The case of Indian students in Australian international higher education,’ Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(1): 85-99.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2010). ‘The Postpanoptic Society? Reassessing Foucault in Surveillance Studies,’ Social Identities: Journal of Race, Nation and Culture, 16(5): 621-33.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2008) ‘"The Rice Steamer": Race, Affect and Space,’ Australian Geographer, 39(3): 283-292.

  • Gilbert Caluya (2007) ‘The (Gay) Scene of Racism: Face, Shame and Gay Asian Males,’ Australian Critical Race and Whiteness Studies e-journal, 2(2)

  • Gilbert Caluya (2007) ‘The Architectural Nervous System: Home, Fear, Insecurity,’ M/C Journal, 10(4).

  • Gilbert Caluya (2006) ‘The Aesthetics of Simplicity: Yang’s Sadness and the Melancholic Community,’ Journal of Intercultural Studies, 27(1-2): 83-100.

  • Damon Young & Gilbert Caluya (2006). ‘A Vessel of Imagery: An Interview with Greg Araki,’ Sense of Cinema, 38: n.p.

Awards and Fellowships

  • Discovery Early Career Research Award, Australian Research Council, 2012-2015

  • Early Career Researcher of the Year, Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, University of South Australia, 2011

  • Supported Researcher Award, University of South Australia, 2009-2014

  • Postgraduate Research Support Scheme, University of Sydney, 2007

  • College of Humanities and Social Sciences Research Award, University of Sydney, 2004-2007

  • Australian Postgraduate Award, University of Sydney, 2004-2007

  • Australian Gay and Lesbian Archives Thesis Prize, 2003

  • University of Sydney Medal, 2003